Fifty shades of green: sustainable finance and the EU taxonomy
Show notes
How do we classify which investments are the right ones to power the transition to a climate and nature-friendly economy? This is a pretty big question, and one that is crucial to a successful implementation of the European Green Deal. The EU taxonomy – the subject of our latest episode - specifies the various criteria that investments will need to fulfill to be considered sustainable. In practice, the taxonomy is a long list of economic activities with benchmark performance standards.
But how do we guarantee that these investments actually achieve what they are set out to do? How do we ensure that we don’t finance activities that support one goal, such as climate change mitigation, but harm our ability to achieve others (e.g. reversing biodiversity loss)? And how is the EU taxonomy implemented in practice? In the latest “Green Deal – Big Deal?” podcast episode, the hosts Ewa Iwaszuk and co-host Aaron Best from Ecologic Institute discuss these questions, together with their interview guests Ben Allen (Research Director at the Institute for European Environmental Policy) and Nicole Kramer (Sustainability Analyst at Greenomy).
Find out more about the "Green Deal - Big Deal?" podcast and webinar series on our website.
The production of this episode was additionally supported by Stiftung Mercator.
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