Green Deal - Big Deal?

The European Green Deal aims to revolutionise the way we live, work and play. In this podcast series we talk with experts from policy, business and science in order to unpack the plan and in its complexity. In a series of episodes, we highlight the significance of different measures by focusing on specific themes. We will talk about topics such as sustainable fashion, the future of cities and how our diets could look like in 2050.

This podcast is produced by Ecologic Institute as part of the European Environment Initiative, funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). The Ministry supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag. The contents of the podcast do not represent the views of the BMUV.

Further information can be found on

Green Deal - Big Deal?

Latest episodes

Decarbonizing buildings and transport - a new future for EU emissions trading

Decarbonizing buildings and transport - a new future for EU emissions trading

40m 14s

In the finale of "Green Deal – Big Deal?" Season 1 we dive deep into EU ETS2, the EU's expanded emissions trading system, now encompassing buildings and transport.

Hosts Ewa Iwaszuk and Aaron Best are joined by Sibyl Steuwer from the Buildings Performance Institute Europe and Matthias Duwe of the Ecologic Institute to discuss the complexities of integrating buildings and transport into the EU’s emissions trading, exploring the challenges and opportunities this expansion presents.

Material world: Using resources sustainably in a time of planetary crises

Material world: Using resources sustainably in a time of planetary crises

51m 2s

In this episode of "Green Deal – Big Deal?", we tackle the complex world of natural resources, a topic that underpins many aspects of Europe's ambition for a green future.

In conversation with guests Janez Potočnik, Co-chair of the International Resources Panel, and Florika Fink-Hooijer, Director-General of European Commission’s DG Environment, hosts Aaron Best and Ewa Iwaszuk discuss how the use of natural resources is closely linked to the climate and biodiversity crises, highlighting the global nature of resource use and its impacts.

Bringing creativity and beauty to Europe's green transition

Bringing creativity and beauty to Europe's green transition

39m 21s

In this episode of "Green Deal – Big Deal?" we discuss what mud houses, 3D printers and beauty have to do with Europe’s journey to becoming a climate-neutral continent.

Specifically, we speak with Alina Ujupan, part of the team behind the European Commission’s New European Bauhaus Initiative, and Edouard Cabay, winner of a recent New European Bauhaus prize for… Spain’s first 3D printed building using earth.

The New European Bauhaus Initiative integrates science, technology, art, culture and community participation to propose a sustainable, beautiful, and inclusive future for the European Union. Our guests discuss with hosts Ewa Iwaszuk and Aaron...

Ensuring a Just Transition to net-zero emissions

Ensuring a Just Transition to net-zero emissions

45m 37s

In this episode, we dive into the multifaceted nature of Just Transition, covering its environmental, economic, social, and political aspects. Podcast hosts Ricarda Faber and Aaron Best of Ecologic Institute are joined by guests Frank Siebern-Thomas, Head of Fair Green and Digital Transitions, Research Unit in DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission; and Ludovic Voet, Confederal Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation.

Our guests help us explore the concept of Just Transition, unpacking the concept itself and discussing the transition needs of workers and citizens across the EU. Listen in to hear about recent success stories, discover the...